Photos – Career – Hobbies

Nancy Garrity Career

Nancy Garrity, Legal Nurse Consultant at "Prescribed Record Review", began employment Jan 2009 to the present. This employment duration covers over 12 yrs and is currently located in the Florida Key's.

Nancy Garrity creates life care plans, legal nurse reviews, medical cost projections, bill reviews, and Medicare set aside reports. Specializing in catastrophic injuries.

She consults with insurance companies, health care providers, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, defense and plaintiff law firms. She review cases involving medical malpractice, personal injury, Workers’ compensation, nursing home/assisted living facility injuries, and motor vehicle accidents.

Nancy Garrity Hobbies

Nancy has many hobbies.

1) Snorkeling
2) Boating
3) Wine Tasting
4) Fine Dining
5) Gardening
6) Birds
7) History
8) Cooking
9) Playing Pool
10) Swimming
11) Reading
12) Community Invlovement

Nancy Garrity Little Torch Key FL

Insurance companies have been very busy during this recent pandemic. Often times they require legal advice from a certified legal nurse consultant or "LNC". You must be a registered nurse and also be certified as a LNC. Some LNC's become an expert witness for lawyers and can profit nicely because of their expertise.

Becoming a nurse can be difficult for many people once they start their first job. You usually start as a CNA or certified nursing assistant and then become a nurse. Nancy Garrity Little Torch Key FL have become very good friends.

Nancy Garrity Video